Keep Safe This Summer With These 10 Pool Safety Tips - Nanaimo and Courtenay, BC

Keep Safe With These 10 Pool Safety Tips
November 04/2020

There is nothing better than taking a dip in your swimming pool to have fun with family & friends or just relax. But having that oasis in your backyard can still carry risk for you and your family. Knowing about pool safety and what to look out for is very important when it comes to taking a swim in your pool. Here are 10 great swimming pool safety tips for you to know that way you can focus on the fun & relaxation.

Set Pool Rules

For young & old, having rules established should be a must for any pool owner. “No running on the pool deck”, is a perfect example. When people are getting in and out of the pool, the surface can become very slippery. This creates an area that is very prone to slips and falls. Make sure your guests are also aware of the different water depths, and let them know which areas are acceptable to dive or jump in. Implementing rules from the start will soon become second nature. Also consider putting up signs as a reminder for swimmers to be smart & safe while enjoying their time at the pool.

Pool Fences/ Gates

This is a safety solution that is very effective, especially if you have kids and animals. Pool fences can provide a variety of benefits such as adding appeal to your yard or just a matter of convenience but the most important is safety. If you have an outdoor pool at your home a fence can prevent your kids or animals from getting into the pool area when there is no one around to supervise.

Swimming Lessons

Besides swimming being fun it’s also a good skill to know how to do. Swimming lessons are offered at local public pools and especially if you have kids it is a good idea to enrol them at an early age, especially if your home has a pool. Enrolling in swimming lessons even as an adult can help reduce drowning risks as it teaches you the fundamentals of water safety and techniques.

First Aid w/ CPR

One of the greatest things you can know when it comes to safety if first aid w/CPR. When drownings occur usually your family, friends or bystanders are the first to be there to aid. If you have a home swimming pool or going out to swim, it is a good idea to be trained or have someone nearby that is properly trained. You find First Aid w/CPR courses that are offered through hospital, community centres or certified private businesses.

Never Swim Alone

One of the most unsafe things to do is swim alone, especially if you are an inexperienced swimmer. At a public swimming pool most, if not all the time they will have a lifeguard on duty that is trained in first aid & rescue. But at your home pool having a lifeguard is not a viable option, so in this case, if you go for a dip make sure someone is around that is properly trained or has sufficient swimming experience in case of a rescue. A good rule of thumb is to always remember to always use the buddy system. Besides having friends around makes swimming more fun, and they can always provide, or go for help if something goes wrong.

Wear a Life Vest

This is something that can’t be stressed enough. For young children, or inexperienced swimmers, it’s always best practice to wear a life vest. When shopping for a life vest look for you will want to make sure it is certified and is suitable for the correct weight and height of the individual. Another thing to keep in mind is that products on the market today such as water wings, floaties, pool noodles, ect.. are not a substitute for life preservers of life saving equipment. Use these products along with appropriate supervision to ensure everyone's safety. As a reminder the use of floatation devices is not a reason to avoid other safety guidelines. Life vests alone are not enough when it comes to pool safety.

Stay Away From The Drains

Drains in your swimming pool are an essential part of water circulation. They provide circulation so that the water can maintain the proper clarity, chemistry and proper distribution around the pool. It also helps the water achieve a consistent temperature throughout the area. So what can make them dangerous? Swimming or treading by drains that are faulty can lead to your hair, bathing suit, even limbs to become stuck, which can increase the risk of serious injury or drowning. This is very important to know especially if you have kids. If you notice the drain is missing a cover, replace it immediately. Before use a pool do a quick inspection to make sure everything is operating properly.

Pool Covers

Safety is very important when it comes to owning a swimming pool. If you're unable to install fencing around the area due to size of the layout of your yard, or budget restrictions, a swimming pool cover will be a good investment. Pool covers are a great solution to protect your family & friends as well as the pool. A cover will span the entire area of the pool with a strong tight canvas that anyone can easily walk across. This is a great solution especially if you have kids or pets. Pool net’s are also another option, if less durability is needed.

Have Rescue Equipment Nearby

The thought of having to rescue someone is the last thing you want to be doing. But it’s something we do need to keep in the back of our mind because it can happen. This is why having rescue equipment nearby is essential. By chance, if the opportunity comes up you want to know you will have the proper tools nearby to perform a safe and successful rescue. Some essentials you will want to have accessible at your outdoor pool is a ring buoy and a heavy duty rope to attach to help bring the person in. You will also want to have a first aid kit nearby, and knowledge of CPR is critical when owning a pool.

Inspect Your Pool Daily

Before the use of your pool one of the important things to do before and after use is do a daily inspection or the pool itself and the area surrounding it. While it may come immediately to most people's minds when it comes to pool safety. But it is important to keep the area around your pool free of algae, leaves and other debris. With bare feet running on the concrete, the mix of debris and water can create a recipe for disaster. Washing your deck frequently with a hose that delivers high pressure or a pressure washer, will help eliminate and obstruct and provide a safer environment for you and your family.

Even though pools are a tremendous amount of fun for the whole family, they can also be dangerous and need to be taken seriously. Knowing and practicing swimming pool safety is of the utmost importance when playing or swimming in a pool. Calais LeisureScapes wants you to stay informed and safe this summer so you can focus on the fun & relaxation.


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